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Purple Buds



A Retreat Full of Singing, Movement & Community Weaving To Welcome In Spring


April 25-27, 2025

with TatiAnah Thunberg, Kath Weider, Carol Bardenstein, Beth Patterson & You!

@ Triple Crane Retreat Center
7665 Werkner Road

in Chelsea, Michigan 

Registration required.
Space is limited. 


We will co-lead you through a weekend of heart opening, joining our voices together in harmony, and following our songs into dance, meditation, collaborative play and community connection.



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Come slough off any stagnation or resignation that’s ready to molt into your freeform Springtime glow.  What did you harvest from the winter depths? 
What does your flexible, evocative seedling of a Self want to grow toward this season of unfurling? 
What support and connection will nourish you there? 
Let your voice and body lead the way, surrounded by sacred community. 
Spiral Staircase



Almond Tree Flowers

All levels welcome. 
+No prior singing experience required.
+Advanced tickets are required.

+Registration is limited 

+Sliding Scale


+We all lead full adult lives with complex responsibilities.  Lush Up is designed as a retreat where we can pause and enjoy a fully immersive community practice that will deepen throughout the weekend.  Unlike a workshop or a festival where folks pop in and out for a portion of the offering, if you are registering, please know that our expectation is that you are coming to co-create with us for the full weekend.  

+This is a small retreat with a precise budget, therefore once you purchase a ticket, to cover all of our costs, we are not offering refunds.  However, if you can't make it, you can sell or gift your ticket to someone who would like to join us.  We keep a waitlist once it's sold out to help folks who want to attend match with up with the tickets of folks who are unexpectedly unable to attend.  However we cannot guarantee a match.  


How to Register: 

Click the link on the
bottom of this page!


Your Commitment

Forest Trees



TatiAnah Thunberg (she/her) is the founder of Spirit Moves LLC, where she blends contemporary somatic therapies and ancient wisdom traditions to anchor home in spacious present moment awareness where thriving resides. Master facilitator, she has been leading experiential classes, groups, workshops and retreats since the 1990's. Singer, dancer, yogini, ceremonialist, psychotherapist, foodie, forest and plant lover, she is devoted to gathering in sacred circles to remember we belong to ourselves, each other, this planet and Source. 


Enjoy Her Song Playlist






Kath Weider (she/her) is a singer, vocal coach, writer, filmmaker and devotee of the art of improvisation. A long-time meditator and inquiry student of the Diamond Approach Mystery School, she is most delighted in the shared threads between music, movement, improvisation and spiritual practice - to pray through singing, to deepen one’s attention to the inner body through sound, to feel alive through the joy of spontaneous music making. Kath trained in conservatory-style vocal technique, before branching off to study experimental music and improvisation with David Darling, Warren Senders, Rhiannon, Barry Green and Meredith Monk. She is a certified facilitator in the Music for People approach to improvisation and co-hosts a monthly MFP workshop and an annual retreat. Kath is  the lead singer for the Spirit Singing Band, and facilitates song circles, song ceremonies, vocal coaching,  workshops and retreats.  Enjoy some of Kath's Chants & Song Prayers. For updates on her latest offerings, visit:

Carol Bardenstein

Carol Bardenstein (she/her) is a beloved local song-catcher and song leader.  She also  facilitates song circles for life cycle events and song healing for bedside and hospice singing. She discovered heart-centered singing with others as a deep and transformative spirit portal nearly 15 years ago, and she’s been singing her heart out and in with others, and facilitating many different kinds of song circles ever since! Grief, joy and everything in between, and all that you are, are warmly invited into her song circles, for expression, connection and communion in heart and song.

Listen to Carol here


Beth Patterson (she/her)

is a mystic singer songwriter, improvisational vocalist, and clinical social worker. She has practiced improvisational circle singing in community since 2006 as a founding member of the Trybal Revival circle singing community in Kalamazoo, Michigan. “Improvisational circle singing has been a foundational spiritual and community healing practice for me. I love connecting with people and helping them experience the joy of creation in the moment. It's magic.” She says: Circle singing, improv style, doesn’t use many words and is hard to describe, but will take you from spiritual bliss to laughter quickly. We will be using simple forms and exercises to help you learn to start creating community songs in the moment. No special experience or knowledge needed to participate.

Listen to Beth here

What a joyful and embodied experience in song! I was able to be in a supportive, loving, allowing circle with others and share my voice through song. To experience this in such a nurturing and playful circle allowed me to tap into those quiet, shy, uncertain parts of me. There was very little room for the inner critic. What a relief! M.S.

What a remarkable experience of feeling, community, harmony, fun, ease, adventure, friendship, unity and possibility! Thank you for your generous, caring, capable and affirming guidance. Looking forward to diving in again... - Jeremy F.

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These singers and facilitators have created a dynamic, nurturing space to move your voice with others. Every aspect of the retreat was planned with love and emotional well-being in mind. From the nourishing vegan meals to the variety of singing experiences, I recommend this group to anyone looking to refill their cup.

This community has made such a difference in my life. Through song, sharing, and love I have healed in so many ways over the years. The acceptance and love in safe space provides a personal growth opportunity that is not just me - but WE. Jennifer L.



Image by Aaron Burden



Triple Crane Retreat Center:  We have been honored by our friends at Triple Crane to be welcomed to hold this retreat twice over the past year at their retreat center in Chelsea, Michigan, and are delighted to return for a third time this March.  The spaciousness of Chan Hall is the ideal gathering space for singing, movement and meditation.  Downstairs, the kitchen, dining area and lounge offer a calming space for nourishment and connection. Situated on acres of land, there is an ease in stepping outside to wander for bit. 

Getting Here:  Are you considering flying in from out of state?  We would love to welcome you to our community in southeast Michigan. The closest airport is Detroit Metro Wayne County Airport (DTW).  Triple Crane Retreat Center is located 41 miles west of the airport.  There is no shuttle or bus to Chelsea.  There is a bus to/from Ann
Arbor/DTW. which is 18 miles east of the retreat center.  Renting a car, taking an Uber or Lyft and ride sharing with others heading to the retreat are all options.

odging:  Lodging in beautiful double or triple occupancy rooms or on your own bedroll in Chan Hall is available at Triple Crane for an additional fee of $25-$75 per night. There are two lovely shower rooms available for guests. Local folks are also welcome to commute from home.

Meals:  The following vegetarian meals will be catered by our talented Bhakti brother, Ekanti  Govinda Dasa, and are included in your registration fee:  Saturday lunch & dinner and Sunday lunch.  Meals will be gluten, dairy and soy free.  If you eat breakfast, please bring your own breakfast food.  We will provide local Roos Roast coffee and tea both mornings.  Please bring your own snacks.

Community Health: This event is indoors. Come healthy. You are welcome to mask and distance to your own comfort level.  No mask or vax status required.


All Levels Welcome:  No prior singing experience required.

Adults:  Adults of all ages, genders, ethnic, cultural, racial, faith & sexual identities are welcome.  We do not have childcare available on site.

Scholarships:  Three work exchange spots are available. Inquire with TatiAnah via email: <>


Questions:  Contact Tatianah by email: Tatianah@SpiritMoves.Us


Registration will open in March 2025: 

Click this link,

complete this form

and send in your payment. 

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